• Initialize yourself
  • Initialize yourself
  • Initialize yourself
  • Initialize yourself

    Dennis Buck

    Initialize yourself


    230 x 140 cm

    Sun-bleached cotton (location of bleaching: Sicily, Italy)

    This is a unique work, hand-signed by the artist on the back of the painting.

    Dennis Buck

    Dennis Buck constantly redefines the idea of material in his artistic practice. Using unconventional mediums, such as silicone and dyed fabric, he samples text and numbers that often playfully make out his initials, name or telephone number. The focus however, is primarily drawn to the processing of materials in his work. His bleach painting series inhabits these familiar motifs – letters, or a shape of a 'D' or 'B', stained from sun soaked marks left on the dyed fabric, resulting in a work that alternates between abstract painting and self portrait.