• the one and the many
  • the one and the many
  • the one and the many
  • the one and the many
  • the one and the many
  • the one and the many

    Peles Duo

    the one and the many


    29.7 x 21 x 3 cm

    Painting and print on pigmented Jesmonite

    This is a unique work, hand-signed by the artists on the back of the painting.

    📸 Trevor Good

    Peles Duo

    Peles Duo (formerly Peles Empire) is a collaboration between artists Katharina Stöver and Barbara Wolff that was founded during their studies at Städelschule. The starting point for their work is Peles Castle, a summer residence built for King Carol I at the end of the 19th Century in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains. In its quintessence, the castle is a collection of copies in architecture. Strategies of optical flattening out and illusion, the transformation from 3D to 2D and back to 3D, and not least the question as to if and when a work can ever be understood to be completed — these are some of the motifs Peles Duo addresses. More precisely, their hybrid objects, installations of photographic prints and gypsum-based Jesmonite paintings become collectively produced in-between space.