Rob Crosse

Rob Crosse is searching for ways to visualise and reenforce the value of older age, and to challenge the fact that ageing is so often associated with decline. He makes work using video, photography, sculpture, drawing and sometimes performance to think about the importance of support between generations. Crosse’s own desire to belong is explored through engaging with other communities whose activities form many different modes of communication and recreation.

In 2020, Crosse was awarded the prestigious ars viva prize for visual arts.

Works from this artist

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Rob Crosse was born in Hertfordshire, UK. He now lives and works in Berlin, Germany.


Crosse studied at Arts University Bournemouth and graduated with an MFA in Fine Arts at the Slade School of Fine Art (London).


His work has been featured in exhibitions at Super Super Markt, Triennial Art + Industry (Dunkirk), Kunstgewerbemuseum (Dresden), Peles Empire (Berlin), Kunstverein Hannover, Jerwood (London), Staatliche Kunstsammlung (Dresden), Lafayette Anticipations (Paris), Babylon Cinema (Berlin), Videotage (Hong Kong), Lux (London) and the Institute of Contemporary Arts (London).


  • woven roots

    Shannon Bool, Rob Crosse, Peles Duo, David Noonan

    Curated by Peles Duo

    August 31 – October 1, 2023

    Brunnenstr. 22, Online