• Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)
  • Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)
  • Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)
  • Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)
  • Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)
  • Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)

Débora Delmar

Liberty Roses (Blue Roses)

Regular price


100 x 70 x 2 cm
39⅖ x 27⅗ inches

Acrylic paint on metal panel (A traditional Mexican sign painter, Martín Hernández, was commissioned to create the work)

This is a unique work, hand-signed by the artist on the back of the painting.

Débora Delmar

Débora Delmar’s work investigates the effects of globalization on everyday life in relation to consumer culture and society. She is particularly focused on the societal consequences, such as issues of class, cultural hegemony and gentrification. This is born from the omnipresent influence of the United States in Mexico, and in the wider world. Her work examines the contextual value of goods, analyzing their production, distribution, consumption and disposal.